The Lord of Time

^` Josh K/Z/L
^` december 25 88
^` charjoshua@hotmail
^` God's youth
^` singin
^` actin

Take me Away...

My Novels. Pls Read N Review
The #1 Christian Porn Site
Sci-fi Genesis
Red Rain
Vertical Rush.
Set For Glory.

Friend or Foe

Jon = bush brudder
Kai = webcomic partner
cyrus = cranky druid
Mel = blade dancer(DEAD...i wish)
Sheryl = thy sunshield
Leon = wears not motley(?).
David = twilight dragon
Titus = blood and fire
Ruth = deadly nightshade
Shermien = hot spitfire(DEAD)
Sherlyn = fellow sotong(?)
Shiying = funk and spunk
Glen = marius
Shannon = sexy starlet
Gabriel = this one's no angel(?)
Dareng = THE Emotional Drummer(?)
Frammie = Wits and drums
Jolina = A boy's girl. Rezpect
Loo Yee = Lost and Found
Johanna = T and A Ong's sista(?)
Judy = future senior (i hope)
Amy = thorn-covered rose
Evelyn = evil sister
Wai Leng = Er...Wai Leng?haha
Vina = ...Vina =P
Gavin = King of Lame Jokes + Farts(?)
Ian = three months blog
Nick = sg standard
Abraham = mr sardonic
Brian = Green Arrow

Wish Upon a Star

A real sword of any kind
Acer Ferrari 4000 notebook
Mask of the Phantom
The ability to create assets
More time to write stories
More inspiration to write stories
A punching bag

Leave me a note

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Lend me your ears

Lift up your eyes

Know the Past

Monday, September 08, 2003
Friday, September 26, 2003
Tuesday, September 30, 2003
Tuesday, October 07, 2003
Monday, November 03, 2003
Monday, November 10, 2003
Wednesday, November 26, 2003
Monday, December 29, 2003
Friday, January 09, 2004
Monday, January 19, 2004
Wednesday, February 04, 2004
Sunday, February 08, 2004
Monday, February 16, 2004
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Monday, March 08, 2004
Saturday, March 20, 2004
Wednesday, March 31, 2004
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Thursday, May 20, 2004
Thursday, June 03, 2004
Saturday, June 19, 2004
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Thursday, July 01, 2004
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
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Friday, August 27, 2004
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Friday, November 12, 2004
Saturday, December 04, 2004
Friday, December 17, 2004
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Saturday, January 22, 2005
Sunday, February 06, 2005
Sunday, February 13, 2005
Friday, March 04, 2005
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Saturday, December 17, 2005


Stop. Now. Go back. Try again.

What I really want to do to Time...One of the reasons I created the Fatesealer persona in the first place...Time is a commodity that we cannot control, and we are to have it only as a gift from God.

There has been several mistakes I've made in my life; from the company of friends that I chose, or the people that I confided in, to the things I did, the knives that I had placed in other's backs to that thing I did not do, and did not take the chance to do...and now has lost the chance, which is now in the hands of another.And guess what? He's grabbed the chance, with both hands and feet.

This is why I want to turn back time...To erase all the wrongs I've done, to see all the wonderful things: Seeing Jesus Christ in his earthly form(on the other hand, he'd probably condemn me...worth it tho(= ), the end of World War 2, the list goes on...

I hope that answers your question Brian, for the Fatesealer character, in my mind, has power over Time that in turn leads to the knowledge of the Past, control over the Present, and the ability to decide the Future (or sealing the fates of others...Heh heh. Somehow Leon makes the @$%-sealer thing really amusing to me...unlike you. Who knows?)

And now, a message from my sponsor Dick aka Death Dealer, courtesy of Nokia's SMS...

"I'm not your f***ing sponsor, b*tch! jus wanted to f***ing say that your tagboard is full is posers and sonofab*tches, including you, you skinny f***er! Do as that smart@$% said, and f*** your goddamn chatbox up!"

This, coming from a ruffian who likes people to call him Dick. Well, he does have a point. Had I more time, I'd place a link to a poll here asking whether I should just er...f*** this tagboard up. Hahah. Just tell me what you think on my tagboard...

Really how strange words can affect me...Last week I was so almost floating, and this week it was like having a stone on my heart. Hmm. Weird.

Its common test week, and tomorows **shudder** Maths. But hey, I'm like close to topping my class in Maths now...Thank God for that. Hope He'll protect me and my small brain tomorow (Did you know that your brain is only the size of your two fists? Sad huh? Ian told me...Rock on bud! Hope yr teachs din grill you that much abt pon taning the course)

I'm pretty much close to my nadir now. Wanna learn a new word? **Nods at all the bimbos (a lot of them), himbos (not that many, but...), fools, and people who happened to miss that word**

Nadir means the lowest point of one's life, the worse point of desperation for someone. At least that's what i know. And Brian, please don't call me a "supa english ass" or smth lidat again. Dude, if that's what I was, I'd be top in the 'O' levels for English man... (Btw, when I meant revival, I meant spiritual revival! Not...ya know...)

This pretty much reminds me of this song...called Words...Dunno whether u guys'll know it...Too in to all the new songs these days...rock, punk, pop, angst, etc...

"It's only words, and words are all I have, to take your heart away..." Oooold song...and yet it still rings true to me...It's been like a theme song of mine... Ironic now that I should be devastated just by the words of others...

And what's wif all the Sue Lynn things going on? All I know and can say is that she goes to the house of a mutual fren of ours to use the comp to chat with me...What the hell is wrong with that?

She even bothers to help me out openly, risking her own credibilty and all. Not that I'm saying anything to offend, but when has anyone done that for me? Oh sure, behind a computer or alone, words of encouragement or helping hands are given, but when has anyone defended me against a crowd of jeering and mocking people? When? Tell me, WHEN?!

I just want to say that if you have no beef with the person, or you are not the one who wants to ruffle the feathers of the person, then I pray that you will only do two things:

1) Help the person or if you have nothing good to say then 2)Keep your mouth shut and ignore the both of them.

Though I'm almost sure that this will not come to pass. The human pack mentality comes on and you can't resist the urge to go up to the person you actually have no problems with, and give him a kick in the balls as he lies there.

Hmph. But whom am I to judge? I cannot, lest I be judged myself. Bah! Humbug!

A lil take from Dick's F***ing Headlines...I though prefer that mine be named"Call Outs! " instead...

Adrian and Nav: Heck, you're probably tooo darn bz to see this, but THANKS so much big guys! My gratitude for not yelling at me when i came in late and angry as the others probably would have done. I promise not to be late like this again! (Though its a high possibility that i would again... xp)

Ian: For...I dunno really. Haha. Jus put yr name here for fun...Tot you'd like it, being here **nudge** =)

Mel: **mock-adoring voice** Oh Great Ditz of the Earth, I thank you for remembering to lend me your collection of music CDS...Even though it was Sunday that u lent me the stuff, and even though it was on Friday that I reminded you to bring it on Saturday and it was a few days before Friday that I mentioned that those CDs were supposedly be lent to me...last year. -_-' Ya gotta do something about it gal...**rmbrs own bad sleeping habits, and changes to bright tone** Then again, no one's perfect...

Brian: Hopefully you WON'T flame my blog again...Geez...There's rarely been any entries recently that you haven't flamed...**looks dismally at own arsenal** And I think I'm outta extinguishing stuff too...Crap.

To those I've missed(prob a whole lot), frens and foes alike: God's blessings, God's speed (for my foes...GET OUTTA HERE! nah...jus kiddin!) and everything else. Miss you peeps and see ya!

P.S Pray for my common tests this week kaex? Buh bye!

josh fatesealer turned back time on 2/24/2004 12:04:00 am.

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